Vegan but incredibly creamy nonetheless, this Arancini recipe is as simple as possible. The focus is on the texture, get that right and the recipe is basic a blank canvas for flavor development. The key is to leave just enough starchy moisture in the rice mixture to tight everything together and hold the shape. The sweet potato puree helps here as well.
In a pan with some oil over medium to high heat, add
Onion, 1 pc, in small cubes
Rice suitable for risotto i.e high in starch content, 150 gr.
Allow a couple of minutes, while stirring a few times, for the onion to soften. Then add
Vegetable Stock , 2 cups initially
Let it bubble vigorously, stirring regularly. As soon as the rice starts to volume up, lower the heat and allow it to continue cooking until soft, adding more stock if necessary in very small amounts each time. You want to end up with a moist but not watery mixture. This should take about 15 minutes. Off heat add:
Parsley, 2 tbsp
Transfer to a tray and mix with:
Sweet Potato puree 1,5 cups (For the puree, bake the whole potato in the oven until quite soft, remove skin and mush it with a fork or whisk)
The mixture should be sticky and easily pliable. Adjust salt and acidity, with a few drops of lemon or lime juice, and allow to cool on the bench. Then cover with foil and place in the fridge for a couple of hours, or preferably overnight.
While cold, shape golf sized balls, for these quantities you should end up with about 15 Arancinis, but also have a couple of small testers for the oil temperature. Dip in a bowl with:
Breadcrumbs (or Panko), finely ground, this is important to get an even coating
I find there is no need for batter, or flour and egg here. If the texture is right the crumbs will easily stick and coat evenly.
Heat the oil for frying (you can either deep or shallow fry). You want it hot but not smoking. With the Arancinis now at room temperature, test the temperature of the oil by dipping one of the testers in. It should sizzle immediately and turn golden brown in 1 min.
If you are happy with it, fry them in small batches, you want each one to sit comfortably in the oil.
Serve with a refreshing green salad and sauce of your choice.